Fulcrum is a versatile and unopinionated gain staging and frequency sculpting tool.
- Gain control capable of ±20dB boost/cut with a flat frequency response
- Tilt EQ for broad tonal adjustments across the entire spectrum
- Internal 30V power supply can accept a wide range of input signals, even line level
- Knobs "snap in" at their unity positions, and each control can be used completely independently
- "Hold for momentary" bypass switching that saves state when not powered on
- High quality buffers preserve signal integrity when not in operation
- Adjustable LED brightness
- Over-voltage protection
Fulcrum's utility lends itself to a wide variety of situations:
- Push amps and other pedals to the point of breakup (or further!)
- Combine gain and EQ to cut through the mix during solos
- Add a master volume and/or tone control to pedals that lack them
- Bring lower level signals up to line level
- Bring line level signals to instrument level
- In amp and pedal effects loops for easy EQ adjustments
- Make sweeping EQ changes to synthesizers, drum machines, and samplers to better fit in the mix